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Showing posts from December, 2016

Tall Giraffe Facts

Giraffes are one of Africa's most famous animals. They are classified into nine subspecies based on where they may be found in Africa and the colour of their bodies. Giraffes are the world's tallest animals, inhabiting savannas, the Sahel, and open wooded regions. Facts about giraffes that you should know: Giraffes have such a large tongue that they can lick their whole face, including their ears. Giraffes only sleep for around two hours each day. Acacia is a giraffe's favorite meal. Mimosa leaves and apricots are other favorites. Because the inside surface of an animal's mouth is hard, they can consume prickly vegetation without harming themselves. Giraffes don't consume nearly as much water as camels and can go longer without water. Because their necks are shorter than their front limbs, they must extend their feet to reach the water's surface while drinking. This position is hazardous because the giraffe loses its balance, is unable to detect creeping predato