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Showing posts from March, 2019

Sharp Pirhana Facts

Piranhas are tiny to medium-sized fish found in South American rivers. Some piranhas may be found in North American warm lakes and rivers, as well as in Bangladesh's Kaptai Lake. In Amazonian indigenous languages, the word piranha means "fish teeth." The exact number of piranha species is unclear (between 30 and 60). They aren't in any danger. Facts about Piranhas that you Should Know: Piranhas have a silver body with red spots that help them blend in with the muddy waterways they live in. Piranha may grow to be 5.5-17 inches long and weigh 7.7 pounds. Piranhas are said to have an insatiable hunger for blood, although they are really omnivores (eat animals and plants). Snails, fish, aquatic creatures and plants, seed, and fruit are among their favorite foods. When animals and birds fall into the water, which doesn't happen very frequently, they will feast on them. Their teeth are sharp and pointed, and they have a single row of them. They may bite through a silver