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Showing posts from January, 2015

Amazing Fruit Facts

Fruits of many kinds Fruits are divided into eight categories. They are as follows: Fruits that are simple to prepare The maturing of a single ovary of a flower produces these fruits. There are two kinds of simple fruits: dry and fleshy. Dehiscent or indehiscent dry simple fruits are available. Dry simple fruits include Brazil nuts, strawberries, coconut, walnuts, hazelnuts, and others. On maturity, fleshy simple fruits contain a partial or complete fleshy pericarp (fruit wall). Cherry, tomato, olives, peach, plums, and cranberry are some examples. Fruit in Bulk Multiple ovaries of a single flower produce these fruits. Follicles, achenes, drupelets, and berries are the four major kinds of aggregation fruits. Some examples are raspberry, blackberry, and custard apple. Several Fruits An inflorescence is a cluster of blooms that produces many fruits. Each of these blooms produces a fruit, which when fully matured forms a single mass. Pineapple, figs, mulberry, and other fruits are example